People see my bright side but never the dark side
Life is beautiful with my epilepsy- every night and every new day after: severe and bright and happy and hilarious! People see my bright side but never the dark side- the impact of not sleeping,
6th Conference of ALCE, Epilepsy Association of the Valencian Community
The 6th Conference of ALCE, Epilepsy Association of the Valencian Community will take place on Saturday February 10th, at the Escola Valenciana d'Estudis de la Salut (EVES). This day will be dedicated to the Training
Ryan’s story
In May of 2016, our son Ryan, had his very first seizure. We were driving at the time to visit his Grandpa’s graveside because it was my birthday and this was a family tradition. We
Patiententag Epilepsie 03.02.2018 – Aachen (Germany)
Patiententag anlässlich des International Epilepsy Day am Epilepsiezentrum Aachen Liebe Patientinnen, liebe Patienten, liebe Freunde der Epilepsie-Selbsthilfe, hiermit laden wir Sie herzlich zu einer Informationsveranstaltung am Samstag, den 03.02.2018 nach Aachen ein. Im Vorgriff auf
Logan’s Story
Logan is 11 and truly a “super hero” for facing the challenges that epilepsy and autism has brought him! He has a VNS, had 2 laser ablation brain surgeries and is diagnosed with intractable epilepsy
Lara’s Story
Lara began life as a beautiful, happy child, reaching all of her milestones very early. Her eyes were bright and she would light up a room with her presence. There was something special about her.