Monday, February 10th, 2025 is International Epilepsy Day!
International Epilepsy Day is an annual awareness-raising initiative organised by the International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE).
International Epilepsy Day is now more important than ever.
International Epilepsy Day is a key initiative that the epilepsy community will use to drive the implementation of the World Health Organisation’s [WHO] 10-year Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and other Neurological Disorders (2022-2031) or IGAP.
IGAP is a ten-year roadmap that contains a specific strategic objective to strengthen the public health approach to epilepsy and two global targets aiming to close the major treatment and inclusion gaps for people with epilepsy worldwide:
- Global target 5.1: By 2031, countries will have increased service coverage for epilepsy by 50% from the current coverage in 2021.Global target 5.2: 80% of countries will have developed or updated their legislation with a view to promoting and protecting the human rights of people with epilepsy by 2031.
Achieving these global targets should mean that people with epilepsy have better access to care, but also benefit from increased social inclusion across all sectors of our societies, in line with their human rights.
Epilepsy is more than just seizures and so, this #EpilepsyDay, we are asking people with epilepsy and those who care for them to share their unmet, everyday needs on their individual Epilepsy Journey.
Your stories will bring greater context to the findings of IBE’s Global Epilepsy Needs Study (GENS) as well as ILAE’s EPIACT program, which aims to reduce treatment, inclusion, and research gaps through chapter action across six key areas of work.
Such complementary efforts will ensure that people with epilepsy receive the medical care they need, whilst also ensuring their day to day needs are addressed so that they can live life to the fullest.
Join the conversation by sharing your journey with us, or explore the journeys of others to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of epilepsy worldwide.
Click through the tabs at the top of the homepage to find more details about how you can get involved, download our campaign resources and learn more about our annual virtual art exhibition, or submit your personal story.
Let’s learn from one another how we can effectively implement IGAP’s ten-year roadmap to overcome obstacles and improve the quality of life for people affected by epilepsy globally.