Events taking place across Ireland to mark International Epilepsy Day
If you are based in Ireland you can help Epilepsy Ireland this February by donating a few hours of your time to support their annual Rose Weeks appeal from 12th -23rd February. Epilepsy Ireland needs
Educational campaign to launch in Czech Republic to celebrate International Epilepsy Day
Epilepsie se nesmíme bát. Společnost E vydává vzdělávací balíček pro pedagogy. Mezinárodní den epilepsie slavíme v pondělí 12. února. Je jedinečnou příležitostí, jak otevřít diskuzi o nemoci, kterou trpí zhruba 1 ze 100 lidí. Přesto
Free consultations for patients with epilepsy at SEIN-SKUH Epilepsy and Sleep Centre, Georgia, on Epilepsy Day
Below is a clip from a talk show devoted to the International Epilepsy day, which took place on February 6 on the most popular TV channel in Georgia, Rustavi2. Along with the Epilepsy Day, free
Liga Colombiana Contra la Epilepsia – International Epilepsy Day Events
En la fecha del 12 de febrero se celebra el INTERNATIONAL EPILEPSY DAY (DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA EPILEPSIA) Es una gran fiesta para 54 millones de personas con epilepsia en el mundo y sus familias.
‘Epilepsy isn’t a bound, the true bound is the attitude towards life’ – Paula Moreno
My name is Paula, I am from Bogotá, Colombia. At the beginning, I had a normal childhood, but in 10th May 2001, my life took an unexpected direction. Although I have had seizures
‘Always live each day bright and happy’ – Jenifer’s Story
Always live each day bright and happy. My name is Jenifer Ann and I live in Perth, Western Australia. I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was ten years old, my family had no understanding