Increasing public awareness and understanding of epilepsy and thereby reducing the stigma and discrimination that is caused by ignorance and lack of knowledge is crucial to improving the quality of life of people with epilepsy. With social media now playing a major role in the dissemination of information, short videos are an extremely effective means of telling a story, whether the video is made using a personal smart phone or as a professional production.
As part of our International Epilepsy Day celebrations for 2019, we invite you to enter our video competition with cash prizes for the winning entries. All entries may feature in future digital and print material from IBE to raise awareness and increase knowledge about epilepsy.

The competition is open to everyone, of every age, and there are two categories:
Category 1: My personal story
This category invites people with epilepsy, their families, friends and carers, to create non-professional individual short videos to inspire others or to highlight problems faced using a smart phone or personal camera. The video should connect to your own life or community and inspire a better understanding of what it is to live with epilepsy.
Category 2: Educational video
Many epilepsy organisations and support groups have developed fantastic professionally produced videos to educate the public, policy-makers, and people with epilepsy themselves, about epilepsy. If your organisation has created a short video within the past three years, which fits within this category, then why not enter!
The winning videos will be selected based on their success in telling an inspiring personal story or in using a novel means of increasing knowledge and awareness of epilepsy. In each category, there will be one 1st Prize of US$500 and five Runners’ Up prizes of US$100.
Winners will be selected by a judging panel and the results will be announced on Friday 8th February 2019.
In both categories, the video must run for no longer than two minutes and must be uploaded to YouTube or YouKu (China). Entries must also be accompanied by a short descriptive text of no more than 100 words.
Submission Deadline:
Friday 14th December 2018.
Terms and conditions
Category 1:
My personal story, applicants must submit a video filmed on their own smart phone or other devise and must run for no longer than 2 minutes, including title and end credits.
Category 2:
A video must run for no longer than 2 minutes, including title and end credits.
Categories 1 and 2:
- One entrant may submit a maximum of three entries in total to the competition. A separate entry form must be completed for each video submitted to the competition.
- In the case where more than three entries are submitted, the first three entries received will be accepted (where the rules of the competition are met) and any later entries will be discounted.
- Videos can use animation, real actors and be with or without spoken words.
- Videos can be in any language. However, where the language of the video is not English, the video must include English subtitles.
- Videos may not contain any offensive or inappropriate content, infringe on any intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity, violate any law or advocate illegal activity.
- Videos cannot contain copyrighted music or images, unless there is authorisation to use them, or they fall under generally accepted fair use guidelines.
- Videos may not endorse, advertise or otherwise promote any commercial epilepsy treatment or product.
- Applicants must obtain the consent of any individuals appearing in the video if their faces are recognisable.
- The copyright of materials submitted to the competition remain with the participants. However, by entering the competition, competitors give IBE and ILAE permission to embed the video link on the website of International Epilepsy Day and include the video in an International Epilepsy Day YouTube Playlist.
- Submission of an entry to the competition will be taken to mean acceptance of the competition rules.
- The deadline for submission of videos to the competition is Friday 14th December 2018. No entries received after that date will be accepted.
- Entries must be submitted using the online Entry Form.
- Incomplete or late received entries will not be accepted.
Confidentiality and protection of personal data
For the processing of this competition, the IBE and ILAE (acting as International Epilepsy Day) will comply with the requirements of the relevant legislation, namely the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, with regard to the processing of personal information.
No personal data is shared with third parties for direct marketing. For further detailed information please refer to the International Epilepsy Day Data Protection Policy: