As part of our International Epilepsy Day celebrations for 2019, we invited you to enter a video competition.
The competition, open to everyone, had two categories: My Personal Story and Educational Video. Winning videos have been selected based on their success in telling an inspiring personal story or in using a novel means of increasing knowledge and awareness of epilepsy. In each category, there is one 1st Prize of US$500 and five Runners’ Up prizes of US$100.
We are delighted to announce the winners, below:

Category 1: My Personal Story
1st Prize Winner: Linda Cambell (Scotland), ‘Zoned Out’
Runners Up:
- Farah (Fatemeh) Abbasi Siar (Iran), ‘My Dream is a world without war’
- Ng, Wai Hung (Hong Kong), ‘A Big Boy Story’
- Delyma Asnydar SS (Indonesia), ‘A Sweet And Short Journey of An Epilepsy Warrior’
- Yvette Barrera-Molina (USA), ‘Some Super Heros Fight Crime, Mine Fights Epilepsy’
- Jess McCallum (Australia), ‘Jess McCallum She Beast’
Watch their videos:
Category 2: Educational Video
1st Prize Winner: Epilepsy Foundation (USA), ‘Taking Charge of the Storm Jr.’
Runners Up:
- Cairo University Epilepsy Unit (Egypt), Pregnancy Awareness
- Norsk Epilepsiforbund (Norway), How to handle an epileptic seizure
- Epilepsy Action (UK), Ali’s story: taking my medicine
- Youth on the Move (Kenya), ‘Njambi’s Tonic Seizure’
- China Bureau of Epilepsy (China), ‘2018 Street Interview About Epilepsy in Shanghai’
Watch the videos:
Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to everyone who participated in the competition.
You can view all ‘Personal Story’ entries here:
You can view all ‘Educational Video’ entries here: