If you are planning an event to mark International Epilepsy Day, please share the details with us here.

Events will be featured on the official International Epilepsy Day website, and may also be included in the International Epilepsy Day annual report.

Be sure to share posts and pictures from your event on social media, using the #EpilepsyDay hashtag, and do tag IBE and ILAE. We will do our best to promote and reshare your content.

Don’t forget to use the International Epilepsy Day logo to promote your event and support our collective awareness-raising!

On this page, you’ll find a selection of just some of the events that are happening around the world to mark t#EpilepsyDay. Be sure to keep a watch on our social media channels to see details of other activities happening globally!

Africa Region


Sharing my Epilepsy Journey in the Era of IGAP

Organiser: CODEF Cameroon

Date & Time:  12 February 2012; 6.30 am (West Africa)

Location:Yaounde-Cameroon: CRTV Radio National and Truth FM 93.2 every Tuesday to Fridays in Bamenda at 1pm

Description of Event: These are a series of activities planned by CODEF Cameroon which range from Radio Awareness campaigns on epilepsy, Stigma and IGAP. Other sensitization campaigns are in schools, prisons and #50Million Steps Against Epilepsy along the New Road, Mile 03 Nkwen, Bamenda on 05th February 2023 opposite the the main Entrance to the cattle market, Upstation Bamenda.

Contact Person: Nsom Kenneth; epilepsyincameroon@gmail.com

Europe Region


Edukacijska radionica

Organiser: Društvo “Naša djeca” Sv. Ivan Zelina

Date & Time: 7 February 2024; 11.00 am (Croatia)

Location: OŠ Dragutina Domjanića Sveti Ivan Zelina

Event Description: Edukativna radionica na temu bolesti epilepsije u cilju promicanja svijesti kod djece, kako bi se skinula stigma kod oboljelih. Nakon teoretskog dijela, provest će se praktični dio vježbe kako pomoći osobi kod epi-napada. Stručni dio provest će Doroteja Filipančić, radni terapeut iz Udruge Srce. Naš član, dijete koje boluje od epilepsije pohađa 6.razred u OŠ D.Domjanića , pa je i radionica osmišljena za prijatelje iz njegovog razreda-kako bi se više upoznali sa ovom bolešću.

Contact Person: Jasna Novaković-Marković drustvonasadjecazelina@gmail.com