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Emily Hoover, USA

Emily Hoover loves listening to music, riding quads in the desert, volunteering and making the most of each day. She was diagnosed with Generalized Epilepsy with Intractable Epilepsy. However, she doesn’t allow her seizures to change her life and her family has learned to just be on alert and to be calm during a seizure.

Emily has multiple types of seizures including both convulsive and non convulsive seizures. Unfortunately after eight years of medication Emily is still having seizures, but now she has a combination of medication that has helped her have about one seizure a day and only for a few seconds rather than minutes long.

Emily’s family don’t know what caused her seizures but since she was diagnosed she has had two cousins also diagnosed one on either side of her mother’s family.

Making EpiBears for Children with Epilepsy

She currently has a project that is a year old. She makes and donates EpiBears to hospitals to hand out to newly diagnosed children of epilepsy. She is turning her negative into a positive.

Emily was asked to leave school last year because she was having to many seizures a day during class. Thankfully her doctors at UCLA have been able to stabilize her seizures somewhat and the school district has allowed her back to school. However, Emily does not report all seizures she has now in fear that they will ask her to leave again.

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