The Hong Kong Epilepsy Association, The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, The Hong Kong Epilepsy Society, The Hong Kong Brain Foundation and The Hong Kong Neurological Society collaborated to launch the 1st International Epilepsy Day – Hong Kong Event at 1 – 5 pm on 11 February 2018 in I-bakery Café, Tamar Park, Admiralty, Hong Kong.
The theme of this event was ‘Being Positive’.
Officiating guests included representatives of different co-organisers. Dr. HUANG CY, President of The Hong Kong Brain Foundation, started to welcome our guests and explained the renaming issue and the organization of The International Epilepsy Day – Hong Kong.
Dr. Ada YUNG, President of The Hong Kong Epilepsy Society, highlighted the importance promoting positive knowledge among teachers and the public, as well as positive living among persons with epilepsy.
Mr. Peter POON, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, highlighted the concern on holistic care of persons with epilepsy from the International Classification of Health with emphasis on environmental factor like a caring and positive attitude.
Dr. Jonathan CHU, Dr. Ben Fung and Dr. Eric CHAN, members of the organizing committee, are dedicated to promote epilepsy in a positive way and demystified misconceptions about epilepsy through sharing the pathologies, first aid management as well as community resources of epilepsy.
Personal experiences are the most impactful community education medium. Two persons with epilepsy shared their personal journey of epilepsy. Dr. LEE, who is a physician on internal medicine, started to have epilepsy when she was studying medicine in the university. It is grateful that her epilepsy is now well-controlled without affecting her work. Wilson is in his twenties. He has epilepsy since birth. He shared how he learnt guitar with perseverance and lives with epilepsy with the great support of his mom. He encouraged other persons with epilepsy to have their dreams. Their sharing is very encouraging to all the guests.
Two celebrities showed their great support to the event. Both Mr. Phil LAM and Ms Akina FONG, a young popular singer and a renowned media worker respectively, shared their experience of getting along with classmate and teacher during their school days. They hope that with more understanding of epilepsy, the public will help co-create an inclusive society with persons with epilepsy.
(Mr. WC Cheung, Chairman of HKEA, Dr. KK LAU (President of HK Neurological Society, Dr. CY HUANG (President of HK Brain Foundatioun, Dr.Ada YUNG (President, HK Epilepsy Society), Mr.Peter POON, Deputy CEO, HK Society for Rehabilitation) (from left to right)
The International Day of Epilepsy – Hong Kong Event was formally announced after the ‘Switch-on Ceremony’ by the Officiating Guests.
Apart from these guests and participants, the event was also joined by three brothers: Cartoon Napoleon Bonaparte, Cartoon Issac Newton and Cartoon Leonardo da Vinci who are also famous persons with epilepsy. Participants enjoyed taking photos with them and reading the informative panels of epilepsy.
The event has not only marked the beginning of the International Epilepsy Day Hong Kong in 2018, it also witnessed the strong collaboration and commitment of epilepsy-related communities in Hong Kong to support persons with epilepsy with a more inclusive society. We look forward to invite and engage more collaborators in the next International Epilepsy Day Hong Kong.
Dr. Eric CHAN, Dr. Ben FUNG, Dr. Michael LEE, Dr. Nelson CHEUNG, Dr. CY HUANG, Dr. Jonathan CHU, Ms. Anchor HUNG, Mr. WH NG and Ms. Mabel LI (from left to right)
Facebook: International Epilepsy Day Hong Kong